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Today I’m trying something new. I going to share my favorite podcast episodes regularly, in a brief  post with the purpose of giving you some ‘nuggets’ you may apply for your business of daily life.

At the rate of current growth, everyone browsing the internet must know what a podcast is. I would describe it as an audio blog, just like a video blog (called vlog), or a pre-recorded radio show. Call it what you want, but it’s a great way to fill idle moments (in your brain) when you’re commuting to/from work, doing chores or exercising. It makes time fly, while you’re having fun learning!


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Podcasts of many kinds

There are podcasts on many different subjects but my favorites are those I can learn from, whether it’s about Pinterest, blogging, online marketing, social media, or life lessons. By the time I get to the office or home, I feel so inspired and motivated that I immediately want to implement what I just learned in my own business or life.

When I hear a great episode, chockful of nuggets, I often think: “I should share this on the blog!” Well, now is the time!  But instead of writing an entire post about that podcast, I will only give you a summary and include the link, so you can go listen to the entire podcast (or save it for future listening).

Dream big or stay small?

I have many favorites I listen to every day, and today I’m sharing this one from Pat Flynn at the Smart Passive Income blog on the topic of why staying small is the next big thing.

Have you heard this saying: Go Big or Go Home? It’s a very common phrase used to encourage people to dream big. While there is nothing wrong with “dreaming big,” it’s a fact that some people don’t want to; maybe because they have smaller dreams. Or they’re happy with less. I would like to add, that it’s okay whatever you choose, as long as you have a dream!

Smaller dreams are okay too

I used to think I would never get ahead because I didn’t have huge dreams, but listening to this podcast confirmed that it is OK to chase a smaller dream. Everyone has different goals…

Even if you’re one of the big dreamers, listen to the podcast to get a different perspective. It may change your mindset! Then come back and share your thoughts in the comments below.


Podcast nuggets: Staying small as a business is OK
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