Have you dabbled in Canva, Spark or Microsoft Word/Powerpoint to create graphics for your blog? I like to use all of these to quickly create graphics for my blog, as have many other bloggers. They’re easy tools for the DIY-er, but if you’re ready for more design options or better quality, you may want something else.

The world of design

Graphic design and organization, two things that go well together, one needing the other more otherwise disorganization can wreak havoc!
From designing for others to creating design training, this lady is one creative, hardworking momma. About two years ago, I was listening to the Smart Passive Income podcast episode where she was interviewed, and her story just touched my heart. Read on to learn more and how she did it.

The woman

Her dad had a big influence on Kelsey Baldwin’s entrepreneurial development since she was a little girl. I think it’s hilarious that she was selling his own office supplies to him 🙂
She started design in childhood and got her first client while in college. Opened an Etsy shop and dabbled with online business, until her life turned around in 2013. The day her husband asked for a divorce, she also found out she was pregnant. Talking about being blindsided and shocked! But she was determined to go on as a single parent, even if her husband decided not to be part of their child’s life.

The Motivation

Her Etsy shop was picking up steam while she was still working fulltime as a graphic designer. She had to make some decisions going forward as a single mom and continued working to build up her savings. She kept creating products for her shop before she made the jump into entrepreneurship full-time. All the design knowledge she needed was already in her and she didn’t let fear hold her back. Let’s be real, being a single mom with no regular income must be one of the scariest things for a woman. She had to make it, for her little girl!

The Opportunities

Kelsey started with printable planners to help people get organized. From meal planners to fitness planners, cleaning checklists to moving plan lists, she kept creating printables that looked much different from the rest. Being different helped her to stand out and that’s a good message for others to follow, because that’s what made her successful.

The Purpose

After quitting her job, she wanted to supplement the Etsy income, and this is where the designing part of her business comes in. She created a course to teach others that designing didn’t have to be difficult. When Canva and MS Word are no longer sufficient for people to create great design, she offers the option to learn how to use Adobe InDesign [affiliate link]. Her second course is called Etsy on Autopilot, helping Etsy shop-owners to run their shops smoothly.

The Present

After successfully launching these, she shifted her attention to online courses to teach on other topics like design, road-maps, ebooks and launching for introverts. Kelsey also wrote a book about her struggle going through divorce, being a single mom, navigating stuff life throws at you and, what I like the best, is that she did a lot of laughing when in reality she wanted to cry. You can find her book on Amazon: “Strong girl, Brave girl” [affiliate link] – If you needed to hear this again, we women are a lot stronger than we (and men) think!

The Quote

“Look at what everyone else is doing, and do it differently”

So much wisdom in this short line!

The Source

Here an interesting fact about Paper and Oats. I have to admit that I thought it was a bit strange. I get Paper, because she creates printables, but Oats…

In learning more about Kelsey’s story, I found out that she started her Etsy shop selling granola products (with oats)! The name stuck and it just shows that a blog or business name doesn’t always have to reflect the topic or products of your business. It may be better for SEO, but in this case it makes for a cool conversation starter, especially with the story behind the name.

You can find the main site of Paper and Oats here and the Smart Passive Income podcast with her interview here

If you ever doubted that you could do it alone (blog, business, raising a kid, etc.), Kelsey is another wonderful example to break that thought pattern. Yes, it IS possible to become successful, even when life throws you curve balls… “Get back up and do great things…”

Tell us your story below.

Featured woman entrepreneur: Kelsey Baldwin – Graphic Design